Tuesday 16 June 2015

Next Generation Proximity Marketing Technogies

Proximity marketing can help improve a marketing strategy by increasing the relevancy of each transmitted message. This type of marketing provides consumers with content that is applicable to a specific area.
Beacon technology big factor of proximity marketing development in retail marketing it can be a boon for shoppers and store owners, consumer savings and increased merchant sales information to transmit message via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.
Proximity Marketing Technogies

There are several types of proximity marketing strategies. These strategies can include:
1-on-the-spot digital coupons,
2-bar code marketing,
3-Wi-Fi/Bluetooth signal marketing, and
4- Digital signage
These types of marketing can be help full for a business in many ways. Any business or organization that operates in a fixed location can execute a proximity marketing campaign to assist with an extensive marketing strategy. This type of marketing provides general information about a product, business, or service to nearby consumers.
Ashtopus offer some excellent proximity marketing solutions that can take a business to the next level. Contact us to find out more!


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